Can Guinea Pigs Eat Turnip (Root, Greens…) How Much is Safe?
Have you ever found yourself staring at a leftover turnip in your fridge, wondering if your guinea pig might enjoy it as a tasty treat? While it’s natural to want to share our favorite foods with our pets, it’s important to know what is and isn’t safe for them to eat.
Generally speaking, guinea pigs can eat turnips in moderation as an occasional treat, but they should not make up a significant portion of their diet. Turnip should be given sparingly to guinea pigs, as it might cause digestive upset when eaten in excess.
Now that we’ve gotten that straightened out, let’s discuss the nutritional benefits of turnip for guinea pigs, how much they can safely eat, and several other considerations for feeding your guinea pigs.

Are Turnip Greens Safe for Guinea Pigs?
Both raw turnips and turnip greens are safe for guinea pigs to eat and provide numerous health benefits to piggies. Turnip greens are especially high in nutrients, containing almost 3 times the amount of Vitamin C as the root. However, the greens are also much higher in calcium, so be sure to feed them in moderation.
Do Turnips Have Good Nutrients for Guinea Pigs?
So, is turnip actually good for guinea pigs, or are we just trying to pawn off our leftover vegetables on our pets? As it turns out, turnip does have some nutritional benefits for guinea pigs!
One of the main benefits of turnip for guinea pigs is its high fiber content, particularly in turnip greens. Fiber is an essential component of a guinea pig’s diet, as it helps to keep their digestive system functioning properly and prevents constipation.
Turnip is also low in fat and calories, which is good news for guinea pigs since they are prone to obesity. In addition to fiber and low fat levels, turnip is a source of several other essential nutrients for guinea pigs.
These include:
- Vitamin C: Guinea pigs cannot produce their own vitamin C, so they must get it from their diet, particularly from foods that are high in vitamin C. Turnip is a decent source of this vital nutrient. Raw turnip contains 21mg of vitamin C, while the green tops contain 60mg.
- Calcium: Raw turnip is a moderate source of calcium, at 30mg per 100g. Calcium is essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth in guinea pigs. However, guinea pigs have lower calcium requirements than many other animals, so be careful when feeding turnip greens as they are much higher in this nutrient.
- Potassium: This mineral is essential for maintaining proper fluid balance in the body and regulating heart function. Turnip is a good source of potassium for guinea pigs.
The nutrient profiles of turnip roots and greens vary significantly from one another. In the tables below, I’ll list the nutrient levels of each one per 100 grams:
Turnip Root
Nutrient | Amount |
Calories | 28 kcal |
Protein | 0.9 g |
Fat | 0.1 g |
Carbohydrate | 6.43 g |
Fiber | 1.8 g |
Sugar | 3.8 g |
Vitamin C | 21 mg |
Calcium | 30 mg |
Phosphorus | 27 mg |
Magnesium | 11 mg |
Potassium | 191 mg |
Turnip Greens
Nutrient | Amount |
Calories | 32 kcal |
Protein | 1.5 g |
Fat | 0.3 g |
Carbohydrate | 7.13 g |
Fiber | 3.2 g |
Sugar | 0.81 g |
Vitamin C | 60 mg |
Calcium | 190 mg |
Phosphorus | 42 mg |
Magnesium | 31 mg |
Potassium | 296 mg |
So, to sum it up, turnip and turnip greens do have a good assortment of nutrients for guinea pigs. Just be sure to offer them in moderation as part of a balanced diet.
Benefits of Turnip for Guinea Pigs
As alluded to above, turnip and turnip greens have many excellent benefits for your guinea pig. I’ll cover them in detail below:
- Rich in Vitamin C: While turnip greens are highest in vitamin C, both the turnip root and greens contain an adequate amount, which can contribute to your guinea pig’s daily requirements. Vitamin C is especially crucial for guinea pigs as they are unable to create their own vitamin C internally like most other animals. This nutrient is essential for immune function, collagen production, and other crucial processes in the body.
- Excellent for Obesity: Turnip greens in particular are very low in calories, sugar, and fat, making them unlikely to cause weight gain in your guinea pig.
- High in Potassium: Potassium is crucial for nearly every function in the body including nerve, muscle, kidney, and heart function. Both turnip roots and greens are excellent sources of potassium.
- Cancer-Fighting: Like other cruciferous vegetables, turnip is rich in glucosinolates, which are especially effective at fighting cancer cells.
- Great Source of Antioxidants: Turnip contains many other great antioxidants, including certain flavonoids, most notably anthocyanins in red turnips. These antioxidants work to reduce inflammation and free radical damage in the body, significantly lowering oxidative stress and the risk of certain chronic illnesses.
- Rich in Fiber: Turnip greens in particular are rich in fiber, which helps to regulate your guinea pig’s gut function and prevent digestive issues.
- Nutrient Dense: In addition to the others mentioned above, turnip also contains small amounts of other nutrients including magnesium, iron, protein, zinc, folate, vitamins A, K, and manganese, which contribute to many functions in the body.
Risks and Concerns When Feeding Turnip to Guinea Pigs
While turnip contains a lot of great nutrients for your guinea pig, there are a few things to keep in mind before including it as a regular in your guinea pig’s diet.
- High in Oxalates: Also known as oxalic acid, oxalates are referred to as an anti-nutrient, as they interfere with the absorption of good nutrients in the body. They can also contribute to bladder stone development. Turnip is fairly high in oxalates, so they should be fed in moderation and never at the same time as other oxalate-rich foods such as spinach, swiss chard, okra, or raspberries.
- High in Calcium: Raw turnip is not too high in calcium, but the greens are very rich, containing 190mg of calcium per 100g. Guinea pigs need very little calcium in their diet, so it’s imperative to limit the high-calcium foods in their diet and balance it out with multiple lower-calcium foods to reduce the risk of bladder stones and sludge in your guinea pig.
- Sugar Content: While the greens are very low in sugar, turnip roots contain a decent amount. This is fine in moderation, but guinea pigs have evolved to eat fibrous diets low in sugar, so their tolerance and ability to digest sugar are limited. Too much sugar in the diet can lead to digestive upset or obesity in some guinea pigs.
- Digestive Upset: Turnips are a member of the cruciferous family along with foods like broccoli, bok choy, cauliflower, and kale. These vegetables are known for being gassy, so it’s important to introduce them slowly into your guinea pig’s diet.
- Pesticide Residue: As with many fruits and vegetables, turnip is often grown with pesticides. Be sure to thoroughly rinse the turnip and greens before feeding them to your piggy, or buy organic produce if you can.
How Much Turnip Can Guinea Pigs Eat?
As with any new food, it’s vital to introduce turnips and turnip greens to your guinea pig gradually and in small amounts to allow them to adjust and monitor for any digestive issues.
But even once your guinea pig is accustomed to turnip, it’s important to remember that it should only be given to them in small amounts as an occasional treat. This is because turnip is high in oxalates, containing 30mg per 1/2 cup.
Oxalates can potentially cause stones and interfere with the absorption of nutrients if consumed in large quantities, particularly for guinea pigs as they have such small bodies.

So, what’s the recommended serving size and frequency for turnip? Here are some guidelines:
- Serving size: Turnip Root – A small 1-inch cube of turnip or an equivalent size slice is a good serving size for a guinea pig. Turnip Greens – 1 or 2 leaves per serving.
- Frequency: Turnip root and greens can be offered to your guinea pig once or twice a week.
It’s also worth noting that turnip is not a complete source of nutrition, so it must be offered as part of a balanced diet that includes hay, a variety of fresh vegetables, and a limited amount of high-quality pellets formulated for guinea pigs.
Don’t forget: You should monitor your guinea pig for digestive issues and consult a veterinarian or other pet care professional for personalized feeding recommendations if they show sensitivity to it.
Other Considerations for Feeding Turnip to Guinea Pigs
First and foremost, it’s important to remember to introduce any new food to your guinea pig gradually to allow them time to adjust and to monitor for any digestive issues. Start by offering a small piece of turnip a few times a week and gradually increase the amount as your guinea pig becomes accustomed to it.
There are a few other tips to keep in mind when introducing turnip to your guinea pig:
- Wash the turnip thoroughly to remove any dirt or contaminants.
- Slice the turnip into small pieces to make it easier for your guinea pig to eat.
- Always feed your guinea pig raw turnip. Guinea pigs cannot tolerate cooked food very well so it’s important to always give them fresh raw produce.
- Offer the turnip alongside your guinea pig’s regular diet to ensure they get a balanced meal.
By following these guidelines, you can safely introduce turnip to your guinea pig’s diet in moderation. Remember to be patient and monitor your guinea pig for any digestive issues before increasing the amount or frequency.
Mix It Up! More Fruits and Vegetables to Include In Your Guinea Pig’s Diet
In addition to turnip, there are so many great foods you can include in your guinea pig’s diet. Variety is key to a healthy guinea pig diet and ensures that they get all the nutrients they need from various sources. A few great options to add to your guinea pig’s veggie rotation are listed below:

- Kohlrabi: Another cruciferous vegetable, kohlrabi is nutrient-rich and contains countless vitamins for guinea pigs.
- Cilantro: A popular herb for guinea pigs, cilantro is often a favorite treat. You can also feed other herbs like parsley and dill for more variety!
- Fresh Grass: Guinea pigs love fresh grass from your backyard and it’s super cheap and easy! You can also forage for other things like clover and dandelion.
- Green Beans: This healthy veggie is rich in nutrients for piggies and most guinea pigs love to snack on this crunchy green vegetable.
- Corn on the Cob: Raw sweet corn makes a great occasional treat for guinea pigs. They can even eat the husks and silk!
The Role of Hay in a Guinea Pig’s Diet
One of the most important things you can do for your guinea pig is to ensure they have access to plenty of hay. Hay should make up most of your guinea pig’s diet and be available to them at all times.
But why is hay so crucial for guinea pigs? Here are just a few of the specific benefits of hay for these little potatoes:
- High fiber content: Fiber is a crucial component of a guinea pig’s diet and helps maintain their digestive system function. Hay is an excellent source of fiber and should make up most of your guinea pig’s diet.
- Keeps teeth trimmed: Guinea pigs’ teeth are constantly growing, and hay helps to keep them trimmed down to a healthy length. Without access to hay, guinea pigs can develop dental problems that can be painful and difficult to treat.
- Provides mental and physical stimulation: Hay is good for your guinea pig’s physical health and also great for their mental well-being. Chewing on hay helps to keep your guinea pig’s mind active and provides them with physical stimulation.
Final Thoughts
In this article, we’ve discussed the nutritional benefits of turnip for guinea pigs and how to incorporate it into their diet as an occasional treat. In addition, we discussed the importance of hay in guinea pigs’ diets, as well as the importance of a balanced diet.
To sum it up, turnip can be a healthy addition to your guinea pig’s diet when offered in moderation as part of a varied diet that includes hay, fresh vegetables, and a limited amount of pellets.
All vegetables contain different types of nutrients that are beneficial to guinea pigs, which is why it’s a great idea to switch between different foods for more variety. If you need some ideas for what kinds of things you can include in their diet, be sure to check out our complete list of safe foods for guinea pigs.