Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pears? (How Much is Safe?)
Pears are a juicy and delicious snack, especially in the summertime. With over 3000 types of pears worldwide, this sweet fruit is popular with people everywhere. But you may be wondering, can my guinea pig eat pears too?

The short answer is that pears are safe to feed your guinea pig in small amounts. However, you should offer no more than a thin slice once a week. This fruit is quite sugary and a bit acidic, so it should be fed as an occasional treat.
Throughout the article below, I’ll cover everything you need to know to safely introduce this sweet and buttery fruit into your guinea pig’s diet.
You can also check out the Guinea Pig Food Chart for an alphabetical list of everything your piggy can eat and how often they can have it, along with calcium and Vitamin C levels for each food.
*Important Note: The quantity of pears shown in the photos is for visual purposes only and not indicative of the correct amount to feed your guinea pig in one serving.
Benefits of Feeding Pears to Guinea Pigs
Pears are rich in several vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which can benefit your guinea pig’s health. I’ll outline several of these potential benefits below.
Vitamins and Minerals Found in Pears
Pears contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, without being excessively high in any particular thing. They are a great source of fiber, containing mostly insoluble fiber and a small amount of soluble fiber to feed the good bacteria in the body.

Insoluble fiber is the best-known kind that keeps the digestive system in good working order. Guinea pigs get most of their insoluble fiber from hay, but it doesn’t hurt to have some added fiber packed into their fruits and veggies too.
Soluble fiber is a type that feeds the beneficial bacteria in the gut. These bacteria help to fight off disease and infections in the body, strengthening the immune system.
Pears are also high in water content, making them a refreshing snack for a hot summer day. They can help cool off and hydrate your guinea pig, especially if they’re not big on drinking water.
Additionally, they are low in calcium at only 8mg per 100 grams, making them a great low calcium food for guinea pigs with bladder issues.
Nutrition Facts for Pears (100g)
Calories | 63 kcal |
Protein | 0.38 g |
Fat | 0.16 g |
Carbohydrate | 15.1 g |
Fiber | 3.1 g |
Sugar | 9.69 g |
Calcium | 8 mg |
Phosphorus | 10 mg |
Magnesium | 5.7 mg |
Potassium | 87 mg |
Vitamin C | 4.4 mg |
Vitamin K | 3.8 µg |
Some of the nutrients found in pears include potassium, copper, magnesium, and a small amount of Vitamin C and K. These nutrients play many vital roles in the body.
Potassium supports muscle contractions, regulates fluid throughout the body, and excretes extra sodium.
Copper plays a role in nerve function, energy production, brain development, and more.
Magnesium is crucial for regulating muscle and nerve function, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. It also helps bone development. Vitamin K also helps with bone development, calcium absorption, and normal blood clotting.
Pears do contain a small amount of Vitamin C, about 4.4mg per 100 grams. This is very little for the amount that guinea pigs will be consuming, so it’s important to ensure they get this essential nutrient from other foods that are high in Vitamin C.
Pears Contain Plenty of Antioxidants
In addition to the vitamins and minerals found in pears, they contain a wealth of antioxidants. Antioxidants shield the body by neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals are a natural by-product of energy consumption. These compounds target and attack healthy cells in the body.
If not kept in check, free radicals can lead to a condition called oxidative stress. In this state, the body is much more susceptible to illness and chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
Feeding your guinea pig plenty of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables can decrease these risks significantly and can even increase your piggy’s lifespan.
Pears contain several different kinds of antioxidants, which all have different benefits. For example, pears contain polyphenol antioxidants, which are known for decreasing inflammation, boosting brain health, and protecting against certain chronic diseases.

Green pears contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are good for improving eyesight and reducing the chances of disease. Pears with red on them also contain anthocyanins, which are said to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.
Most of the antioxidants in pears are found in the skin, so don’t peel pear slices for your guinea pig!
Pears Can Improve Heart Health
In addition to all the other great benefits, many of the antioxidants found in pears have been linked to better heart health. They have the potential to lower bad cholesterol, reduce inflammation, lower high blood pressure, and decrease the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Risks of Feeding Your Guinea Pig Pears
Pears are generally healthy and safe to feed your guinea pig, but there are a few things you should know before making them a regular addition to your piggy’s diet.
High Sugar Content in Pears

As with most fruits, the main concern when feeding pears is the sugar content. One medium-sized pear contains 17.2 grams of natural sugars.
Of course, your guinea pig won’t be eating an entire pear, but the concentration of sugar is still quite high even in a small amount. Guinea pigs have small bodies and they aren’t built to digest too much sugar at once, so it’s important to feed pears in small quantities.
Too much sugar can cause digestion issues and diarrhea in some guinea pigs. Feeding sugary foods over time can also lead to obesity and even diabetes.
Pears Contain Some Natural Acidity
Pears are also on the acidic side, which can cause mouth sores or diarrhea in some cases. To reduce these risks, introduce pears slowly in small quantities until you know how your piggy reacts to them.
Also, avoid feeding other acidic foods at the same time, such as oranges, blueberries, and tomatoes. It’s also a good idea to spread out the feeding of other types of fruits like apples, grapes, and cherries so your guinea pig isn’t consuming too much sugar at once.

Potential Allergic Reactions to Pears
Like other foods, there is always a chance that your guinea pig is allergic or has a bad reaction to pears. This is rare, but it’s always important to introduce new foods gradually and keep an eye on your guinea pig in case they have an adverse reaction.
How Often Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pears?

Guinea pigs can have one very thin slice of pear once a week. Pears should not be fed every day because of the high quantity of sugar. Treats, including most fruit, should make up less than 5% of your guinea pig’s diet.
Opt for healthy greens and low-sugar foods like bell peppers, zucchini, mustard greens, celery, and cilantro instead.
It’s also best to avoid feeding other types of fruit on the same days that you feed pears to limit your guinea pig’s sugar intake.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pear Skin?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat pears with the skin. In fact, the skin is the healthiest part of the pear! It contains the highest amount of fiber and antioxidants.
Be sure to rinse the pears thoroughly first to remove any traces of pesticides and dirt.
If you peel pears for any human members of the family, you can also feed the peelings to your guinea pig instead of throwing them out. This is actually healthier for them and results in less waste.
Just be careful not to go overboard! Pear skins should be fed in reasonable quantities, no more than once or twice a week max.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pear Seeds?
Always remove pear seeds before giving your guinea pig a slice. Pear seeds contain traces of cyanide, which can be poisonous.
The cyanide is not likely to seriously harm your guinea pig if they accidentally eat a seed or two, but it’s still best to not consume it. In addition, pear seeds can be a choking risk for guinea pigs.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pear Tree Leaves?
Pear leaves are safe for guinea pigs in moderation, as long as they are from organic trees that have not been sprayed with any kind of pesticides or other chemicals. Only offer a couple of leaves at a time, as they are high in calcium.
Can Guinea Pigs Have Pear Tree Branches?
It is safe for guinea pigs to have pear tree twigs and branches. Apple tree sticks are also safe! Be sure that the trees are not sprayed with pesticides before cutting some sticks off for your guinea pig. As long as they are chemical-free, pear tree branches are an excellent natural chew toy for guinea pigs to play with and wear their teeth down.
Do Guinea Pigs Like Pears?

Many guinea pigs love pears. They have a sweet taste that is not too overwhelming.
This often appeals to guinea pigs that love sweet foods, but it also doesn’t cast away piggies that prefer less sugary offerings. The taste of pears is more subtle than some foods like bananas, for example.
It may take a few tries to get your guinea pig to eat pears, so try it a few separate times if they don’t eat the whole piece at first. Often, piggies take some time to get accustomed to something new.
However, if your guinea pig really objects to pears, you can always try foods like lettuce, fennel, endive, carrots, dandelion, or radicchio. All of those have been huge hits with all my piggies so far, and they are often preferred by guinea pigs that lack a sweet tooth.
Can Baby Guinea Pigs Eat Pears?
You can start introducing sweet fruits like pears to baby guinea pigs over 4 weeks old. Introduce pears in tiny amounts at first, as young guinea pigs have sensitive bodies that are still adapting to new foods. Sugary foods in particular may upset their stomach if you feed too much at once.
Additionally, pears are low in calcium and Vitamin C, so it’s best to prioritize higher-nutrient vegetables for growing guinea pigs.
Foods like collard greens, parsley, kale, and arugula have lots of vitamins and minerals that baby guinea pigs need for proper growth and development.

How to Prepare and Feed Pears to Your Guinea Pig

To feed pears to your guinea pig, start by selecting a healthy, ripe pear. Rinse it thoroughly under cool water to remove any traces of dirt, germs, or pesticides.
Cut a thin slice of the pear for your guinea pigs. It’s perfectly fine to leave the skin intact, but be sure to scoop out any seeds before giving the pear to your piggy.
Avoid feeding your guinea pig any kind of canned, juiced, or frozen pears. Also, avoid pear juice or any other processed food item made from pears. These things either contain preservatives or higher concentrations of sugar, both of which are not good for your guinea pig.
How to Introduce A New Food For The First Time
If your guinea pig has never eaten pears before, introduce them gradually into the diet. The sugar and acidity of pears can cause diarrhea or other stomach upsets initially in some guinea pigs. Start with a small chunk of a pear slice and see if your piggy likes it.
Some guinea pigs may gobble it up right away, while others will nibble a little and taste it, then walk away.
It often takes some time for guinea pigs to adapt to a new food, so try leaving it in the cage for an hour or two to see if they try it again.
Often guinea pigs take a bit of time to adapt and try a new type of food, so if they don’t eat it right away, try it for a few more days. It is quite normal for guinea pigs to take their time accepting a new food.
In the wild, their ancestors would avoid poisonous plants by trying tiny amounts of unfamiliar plants and seeing if they made them sick before eating them again. Pet guinea pigs often do the same thing when presented with a novel food.
To get them to eat something new, it often helps to give the new food separately from their regular vegetables (i.e., pear in the morning, regular veggies at night.) Guinea pigs are often more willing to try something if they have fewer options.

Keep an eye on your guinea pig for several hours after they try the pear to ensure that they are acting normally and have no signs of diarrhea or stomach discomfort.
As long as there’s no diarrhea or odd behavior, you can gradually increase the amount next time. However, be sure to never exceed a small slice at a time. While pears make a great occasional snack, the sugar can pose a problem if they are fed on a regular basis.

Fun Facts About Pears
- Pears are part of the rose family.
- Pears are one of the oldest fruits, going back as far as 1000 B.C.
- China, Europe, and the United States are the largest producers of pears.
- There are over 3000 types of pears throughout the world.
- Pears will continue to ripen after they have been picked.
More Fruits and Vegetables That Guinea Pigs Can Eat
Did you know that guinea pigs can also eat dill, basil, and raspberries?
These foods all contain various nutrients that can boost your guinea pig’s health in numerous ways. They can also eat watermelon, strawberries, brussels sprouts, and so much more.
For a complete list of all the fruits and vegetables that guinea pigs can eat, check out our article, Complete List of Safe Foods for Guinea Pigs.