Are Guinea Pig Bites Dangerous? Can They Make You Sick?
Guinea pigs come from the rodent family, a family of animals that have large, sharp teeth used for chewing through tough fibrous grasses and leaves. There’s no doubt that these teeth can do some damage if your guinea pig decides to bite you. This may lead you to wonder if guinea pig bites are potentially dangerous. Can guinea pig bites make you sick? Do guinea pigs carry rabies? Let’s find out!
Guinea pig bites are not generally dangerous. These bites do not carry diseases, and guinea pigs do not carry rabies. These bites rarely break the skin. The only danger from a guinea pig bite is a secondary infection, which is easily preventable with good wound care.
Guinea pigs are commonly kept as pets, which means that guinea pig bites are not uncommon. Although guinea pigs are generally very passive, friendly animals, there is a chance that you may be bitten eventually if you keep guinea pigs, so it’s good to know about guinea pig bites and what to do if you get bitten before it happens.

Are Guinea Pig Bites Dangerous?
Guinea pigs have sharp teeth that are capable of inflicting painful bites, but the good news is that guinea pigs are relatively passive animals and are unlikely to bite unprovoked. Guinea pigs generally only bite as a last resort when they are feeling extremely threatened.
However, if a guinea pig does bite a person, is it dangerous?
Guinea pig bites are not generally dangerous. These animals do have large teeth that can inflict a hard bite, but most guinea pig bites are relatively harmless.

Bites from these animals are not intended to bring harm and are usually done in defense, as a warning, and without the intention to inflict a wound. It’s not uncommon for guinea pigs to nip or nibble for various reasons, but true hard bites generally only occur in situations when the guinea pig is feeling unsafe and threatened.
This means that guinea pig bites often do not break the skin. Guinea pigs are not aggressive animals and only tend to bite when they feel that they are threatened, when wounded or sick, or if they are mishandled or hurt.
If you own pet guinea pigs, there is no reason to fear a bite from these animals. They can bite, and the bite can hurt, but it is unlikely to inflict any serious harm, and most guinea pig bites are harmless.
Can You Get Sick From A Guinea Pig Bite?
Guinea pigs are surprisingly clean animals. These creatures clean themselves regularly, and they tend to keep themselves out of the way of dirty situations. Guinea pigs also do not carry any diseases that can be passed on to humans.
This means that you cannot get sick directly from a guinea pig bite. Guinea pig bites do not transmit diseases or sicknesses and will not make a person sick.

The only way to get sick from a guinea pig bite is through a secondary infection that develops at the site of the bite.
However, very few guinea pig bites break the skin. Only bites that break the skin are susceptible to infection, and this can be prevented by properly cleaning the bite wound and taking care of it until it heals.
Guinea pig bites cannot make you sick, but if they bite you hard enough to break the skin, you can develop a painful and even dangerous infection. This means it is critical to care for guinea pig bites well and prevent infection from occurring before it becomes an issue.
What To Do If Bitten By A Guinea Pig
Guinea pigs are unlikely to bite people, but it does happen on occasion. If you have Guinea pigs and happen to get bitten, what should you do?
If you have been bitten by a guinea pig, it is critical to act quickly. Never shout, or alarm the guinea pig further, and never harm the guinea pig in retaliation. Put the guinea pig down gently, and give them some space and time to de-compress on their own.
Once the guinea pig is safe, rinse the bite thoroughly with water. Wash the wound for a few minutes to flush out any potential debris, dirt, or germs. You can also dab the affected area with a cloth soaked in saline solution.
If the bite breaks the skin, it is important to stop the bleeding. This is done by pressing a clean bandage or cotton pad onto the bite and maintaining firm pressure until the bleeding stops. If the wound is bleeding significantly, stop the bleeding before cleaning it. If the bleeding is minimal, clean the wound first.
When the wound is clean and any bleeding has stopped, dry the area thoroughly and keep a bandage or band-aid on the bite to prevent any further irritation or re-opening of the wound.
Guinea pig bites are generally small, and they usually heal quickly with minimal intervention. Simply wash and dry the wound, keep it clean, and there should not be any further problems.
If the bite area swells or becomes more painful before healing, you should see a doctor for further advice and treatment.
Do Guinea Pig Bites Carry Disease?
Guinea pig bites can break the skin, which leaves many guinea pig owners wondering if bites from these animals can carry disease.
Guinea pig bites do not carry disease. Some bacteria from the mouth of the animal may end up in an open bite wound, but this is easily dealt with by washing the wound thoroughly and keeping it clean.

No diseases that affect guinea pigs are transferred to humans, even if the animal bites a person. If you have been bitten by a guinea pig, there is no cause for concern regarding potential diseases from the animal.
Do Guinea Pigs Carry Rabies?
Rodent bites always carry the concern for rabies. Do guinea pigs carry rabies, and can a person contract rabies from a guinea pig bite?
Guinea pigs are not known to be affected by rabies. According to the CDC, guinea pigs are almost never found to be infected with rabies, and guinea pigs have not been known to transmit rabies to people.
This means there is virtually no concern about rabies from a guinea pig bite, regardless of how bad the bite is.
Guinea pigs are docile pets that are unlikely to bite, but it is known to happen if the animal is sick, injured, or frightened. However, guinea pig bites are generally harmless and heal quickly.
If you do get bitten by a guinea pig, clean the bite properly, and keep it clean until it heals. The only potential concern here is an infection, but if you keep the wound clean, this is unlikely to happen, and the bite should heal with no other problems or side effects.